Let's Work Together!

I help overwhelmed leaders, employees, and parents go from chaos and burnout to calm and balance.
Whether you’re a large corporation or small startup, a school or local parent group, get actionable steps to decrease stress and increase well-being.
With a dash of humor and a ton of heart, I create an engaged, safe, inspired, communal environment to facilitate learning the tools you can start today for a calmer, more balanced, and intentional life.
Let’s discuss how I can empower, invigorate, streamline, and introduce calm to you, your team, and your company.
"Unblock Your Brilliance"
Tailored one-on-one coaching program designed to help you create the space and infrastructure you need to fit everything important into your daily and weekly schedule. Whether you’re juggling professional responsibilities, personal aspirations, or both, this program is crafted to support you in achieving your goals without the overwhelm.
Popular Workshop and Speaking Topics
- Burnout to Balance: 5 Ways To Break Free From Overwhelm
- Time Management: Optimizing Your Day For Productivity and Performance
- Energy Management: Getting Clear on Priorities, Creating And Enforcing Boundaries
- Habits To Prevent Burnout
- Self-Care for Caregivers
- Calm Communication: Relationship-Building at Work and Home
I'm Available to be an Expert Guest on These Topics:
- Personal + Professional Life Balance
- Efficiency: Creating More Time For What's Important To You
- Creating Healthier Habits
- Relationship Communication to Fight Less and Love More
- Building Self-Care Into Your Daily Routine
- The 4th Trimester: Sanity with a Newborn
- Blended Families
- Large Family Parenting Hacks
Spreading the Calm
Select Podcasts
- "Call Me CEO": 5 steps to help you create a fulfilling life in motherhood and business
- "Evolved Education": Chaos to calm for teachers and parents on
- "This Mother Means Business": Strategies for managing it all
- "Unimaginable Wellness: Navigating parenting and entrepreneurship
- "New Mamas Podcast": 5 ways new moms can navigate the chaos of daily life
Notable Media
- "Entrepreneur": Running a business and parenting with your spouse.
- "Forbes": UsingTech and my Book to Make Calm Accessible to All
- "Elle Canada": Top five book for mental health
- "Raising Arizona Kids" Magazine (pg. 7): Book Pick for Moms and Dads
- Channel 7 Australia: On-camera appearance discussing how parents can break free from being overwhelmed.