Chaos to Calm Resources
Choose a free tool below to help streamline your life and make more room for joy!
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Food & Energy
Here’s a handy list of foods that are energy givers versus energy takers, so you can be intentional about what you put in your body to give you the most energy all day.
Habit Tracker
One of the best ways to succeed in a new habit is to track it. Use this tool while developing your new habits for a higher likelihood that they’ll stick.
Overnight Oats
One of my go-to recipes for energy and health is this overnight oats recipe. With tons of ways to vary the recipe it never gets boring, plus it’s quick!
Roles & Responsibilities Chart
Getting your family on the same page with pitching in is critical to your sanity. Here’s a handy chart you can use so everyone knows who is doing what.
Meal Planner
Meal planning, shopping, and cooking are common sources of chaos. I developed this meal planner to use with my family of six to create calm and efficiency for the week.
Get 'Em All
Chaos to Calm:
5 Ways Busy Parents Can Break Free from Overwhelm
Use your calm tools along with the book’s easy-to-follow concepts for maximum results. You’ve got this!
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